Applicable to institutions in the United Kingdom onlyGenerate Submissions

Use the Generate Submissions screen to generate exam submissions.

To generate a submission:

  1. Select Generate Submissions from the Processes pane.

    Generate Submissions Option

    The Generate Submissions screen is displayed.

    Generate Submissions Panel

  2. Enter the data in the required fields.

The fields on the Generate Submissions screen are described in the following table.

This field Holds this information...
Board Code The exam board code.
Board Occurrence The user-defined exam board occurrence code.
Board Name The exam board name.
Short Name The short name for the board.
Board Type The exam board type.
Submission Type The type of submission.
Centre Code The code used by the exam board for the college/centre within the college.
Include All Entries

Whether all exam entries are included, even if they are already included in a submission of the same type for the selected board occurrence.

Note: This check box must be ticked for GCE/GCSE board types, and must be unticked for BTEC, City and Guild and NCFE board types.

Qualification Set

The qualification set (if set against the corresponding exam occurrence).

Note: This field is now obsolete.

GC Board Id

The GC board identifier.

Note: This is applicable to GCE or GCSE exam board types only.

BTEC First Invoice The BTEC first invoice number.
BTEC Prefix Invoice The BTEC prefix invoice.
Include Closed Whether the submission will include closed entries.
CGLI Processing Period The month that dated entries are to be entered in (for example: 1=January, 2=February, and so on).
CGLI Marked Flag

Filters the City & Guilds submission. Select one of the following options:

  • M - Marked (default)
  • A - All
  • U - Unmarked

Note: This is applicable to City & Guilds exam boards only.

Generate as amendment from

The earlier submission for which the current run is an update. The drop-down list displays the most recent 'live' submissions for the exam board.

Note: This is applicable to GCE/GCSE exam boards only.

Order Reference The internal order reference.
  1. Click the Generate button on the Exams Manager ribbon.

    Generate Button

    A confirmation message is displayed.

    Confirmation message

  2. Click the Yes button to generate the submissions.

    On completion, the following message is displayed:

    Successful Generation Window

  3. Click the OK button.

    The generated submission record is displayed on the Submissions screen (accessed from the Grids pane).

    Submission Details Page

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